The Flag

All hail your future emperor!

The musings of a medical student hell bent on world domination...

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Sunday, August 07, 2005

One step closer

Yes, I think I got this comments thing to work! Damn those slaves, who knew nothing about computers and so I have to do this all by myself!

Needless to to say, I had them decapitated and fed to a gaggle of ravenous, rabid geese. Yes, I must keep the geese happy if I'm to one day rule the world.


Blogger JingleBells hailed... whatever you found in the sunlight that surrounds you. :P

I bow down to NO ONE.

Impressive blog though, especially considering it's been created in such a um...thou-should-be-studying period.

I recognise the background - it's the same as your website's! Man you must really love brown. Keep up the er..."good work".

Sunday, August 07, 2005 7:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous hailed...

Actually, I got this template from Blogger, but I did change some of the stuff. Look for more changes to come!

Hehe...the world will soon be mine.

Jinglebells, that should be a "shouldst" after the "thou". Just being pedantic. After all, this world should be one of perfect grammar etc. (if I contradict myself in future it doesn't matter because whatever the Emperor says, goes)

Sunday, August 07, 2005 7:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous hailed...

wow. Go the Emperor. What did Anna have to say about this? I didn't think world domination was a shared task...
Hmm..which master to follow? Decisions, decisions
And you made the template yourself didn't you? Can I get you tweak mine too? My attempt at making it pretty failed miserably.

Sunday, August 07, 2005 7:56:00 PM  
Blogger JingleBells hailed...

hey by the way, you may want to change the time settings to EST. meanwhile I'm ready to face failure tomorrow...

Sunday, August 07, 2005 8:33:00 PM  

Genuflect to your Emperor

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