Minions of the Empire: The Emperor Jeanie, Council of the Exchequer, Head Librarian High Temptress Baradot, Espionage Extraordinaire Jimmy, Chief Political Turd-Pusher Jon, Head Buffetier
Applications for positions in my soon to be empire open! Just leave your name, email and a desired position (if you have one) in a comment and I'll get back to you ASAP.
Rise above the rank of simple slavery! Become an official today!
Sunday, August 07, 2005
One step closer
Yes, I think I got this comments thing to work! Damn those slaves, who knew nothing about computers and so I have to do this all by myself!
Needless to to say, I had them decapitated and fed to a gaggle of ravenous, rabid geese. Yes, I must keep the geese happy if I'm to one day rule the world.
Actually, I got this template from Blogger, but I did change some of the stuff. Look for more changes to come!
Hehe...the world will soon be mine.
Jinglebells, that should be a "shouldst" after the "thou". Just being pedantic. After all, this world should be one of perfect grammar etc. (if I contradict myself in future it doesn't matter because whatever the Emperor says, goes)
wow. Go the Emperor. What did Anna have to say about this? I didn't think world domination was a shared task... Hmm..which master to follow? Decisions, decisions And you made the template yourself didn't you? Can I get you tweak mine too? My attempt at making it pretty failed miserably.
4 Comments: whatever you found in the sunlight that surrounds you. :P
I bow down to NO ONE.
Impressive blog though, especially considering it's been created in such a um...thou-should-be-studying period.
I recognise the background - it's the same as your website's! Man you must really love brown. Keep up the er..."good work".
Actually, I got this template from Blogger, but I did change some of the stuff. Look for more changes to come!
Hehe...the world will soon be mine.
Jinglebells, that should be a "shouldst" after the "thou". Just being pedantic. After all, this world should be one of perfect grammar etc. (if I contradict myself in future it doesn't matter because whatever the Emperor says, goes)
wow. Go the Emperor. What did Anna have to say about this? I didn't think world domination was a shared task...
Hmm..which master to follow? Decisions, decisions
And you made the template yourself didn't you? Can I get you tweak mine too? My attempt at making it pretty failed miserably.
hey by the way, you may want to change the time settings to EST. meanwhile I'm ready to face failure tomorrow...
Genuflect to your Emperor
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