The Flag

All hail your future emperor!

The musings of a medical student hell bent on world domination...

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Sunday, August 07, 2005

The transformation

I was out inspecting the troops today, and I decided that as the future ruler of the world, I needed to assume an identity that would not get in the way of my ruling with an iron fist. I have always felt held back in my machinations (for the greater good, of course) by my name.

Hence, I have shed my previous identity for this new one. Besides, if no one knows who I am, they can't assassinate me so that they can take the throne for themselves! You know who you are...

With bright ideas like this, nothing will be able to stop me! Nothing! Not even Batman!


Blogger Jimmy hailed...

Sire, one of the first things any wannabe turd-pusher.. I mean... evil emperor hell bent on global domination, needs to do is to create an original, though not necessarily unique, brand on evil minions to carry out his plans.

Hitler had the SS, Napolean had the Imperial Guard, and Darth Vader had Stormtroopers, to name a few.

We wait with baited breath for you to unveil yours.

Sunday, August 07, 2005 10:50:00 PM  

Genuflect to your Emperor

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