The Flag

All hail your future emperor!

The musings of a medical student hell bent on world domination...

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Friday, August 19, 2005

Hello, Library?

Welcome to my domain. Not enough people know how a library works. Contrary to common belief, a library is a hip and happening place. Indeed we have a whole section devoted to hip replacements and just 'happen' to have 89 books on travelling to places.

Onto the tour anon! To your right, we have the quite study area. Watch the steps because the people studying DO NOT like to watch yo sorry ass (excuse the ghetto) falling over and spilling books everywhere. Also moving of desks around is prohibited. The archivist in that far corner will slap you with black and white photos for blocking her light.

To the left is the magazine rack and the computer terminals. The former is forlorn as no one truly wants to read 'The Technology Annual' or 'Economy for Lithuanians'. However, these are the only glossy publications the library can afford as all funding has been diverted to the Betty Ford Clinic where 3 senior staff members are being treated for addiction to that new book smell. Mmmm.... NO! I've been clean for 3 weeks. I must be strong.
The latter is inevitably packed with assorted scum. You know, the people who come into this temple of literacy and besmirch it with their Britney Spears websites and addiction to Neopets. (Even though we try to discourage them by running Windows 95 and using Netscape.)

Beyond the computers are the shelves. So creaky and dusty... so beautifully packed with books... except the John Marsden section which is in constand disarray...

This is the true heart of the library. The holy altar where we commune with the spirits of authors past, present and inspire the writings of those to come. Unlike the cold, frowning faces at bookshops, the tall shelves here are cozy. In unsuspecting corners you will find soft armchairs. They never seem to be there the next day... its almost as if the sprites emerge from the well thumbed leaves of Tolkien and move furniture around for light entertainment.

This is a place of shelter, of peace. Indeed, it is not even a true location... merely a space to store your physical body while your mind explores destinations beyond the stars or in your hearts.
Limitless possibilities open with each book... and each book opens with limitless possibilities. For the words speak to each of us alone and only you can make them sing.

Look unbelievers, look beyond the whitewashed walls, adorned only with posters of the latest Harry Potter. Look beyond the untouched resources section... for even I will admit they are truly useless.
Look beyond the prim and surly matron behind the desk, grimly contacting all the new arrivals- because behind those steel rimmed glasses lies the heart of a little girl: running playfully across the prairies of North Dakota, or perhaps holding hands with Alice as she crosses the looking glass. Look past the wrinkled face of the fussy old man fiddling with the microform who seems to wear the same clothes everyday: his eyes are forever changing, burning with the fire of a wounded soldier or soft with compassion for his fallen companion.

Come, fellow traveller. Let me release your hand, for you need a guide no longer. Explore the endless boundaries contained in this little brick hut.
"For yours is the world and everything that's in it, and what more you'll be man my son."