The Flag

All hail your future emperor!

The musings of a medical student hell bent on world domination...

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Thursday, August 25, 2005

Posterior Approximal, part 2

-this blog may be dedicated to the amalgam bunny but it continues to smite me
- posterior approx cavity prep: make sure the whole contact area is cleared but at the same time try to keep margin as small as possible
- line with Vitrebond- perio probe it! and use the perio probe to remove vitrebond off the vertical walls.
- Tofflemayer matrix: open end to gingiva, small circumference to gingiva
- place wedge with flat surface at bottom (remember that it's an isoceles triangle)
- make sure small screw is tight so that tightening of the large screw doesnt pull matrix band out.
- mix amalgam for 7 secs (8 secs= over mixed, 6 sec= dry)
- use carrier to condense the first increment (very, very important!)
- condense increment with sides and tip of your condenser
- push the amalgam towards the marginal ridge to get more bulk there
- marginal ridges cant be too low or too high, must have dip in the middle to be just right
- make sure amalgam capsule is discarded immediately
- scrap amalgam goes in amalgam container
- use meth spirits to wipe down
- place amaglam in small increments to have best condensation but also do this quickly so that it doesnt dry out and harden
- the amalgam in the cavity stays plastic for a lot longer than that in the amalgam cup
- condense like the wind! (with the smallest condenser...)
- use a burnisher to give shine
- carve back the excess mercury amalgam at surface
- make sure you know the shape of your cavity design: and dont leave flash
- carve back with carver along tooth contour so you dont over carve or under carve
- beware of overhangs! (use matrix and wedge properly)
- marginal ridges are a BUGGER. redoing the same cavity 4 times= no fun

NV: finish post approx restorations, amalgamate!


Blogger JingleBells hailed...

dear god, what is this? attack of the amalgam bunny?? this is worse than king kong!

Argh!!! it on our side or against us?

Thursday, August 25, 2005 7:10:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown hailed...

oh dear oh dear oh dear
this is what happens when you have 3 blogs... you get confuzzled
i'm so sorry
did you want me to take this off?

Friday, August 26, 2005 4:47:00 PM  
Blogger JingleBells hailed...

haha no leave it! It' like our "empire" shall be?

Monday, August 29, 2005 9:52:00 PM  

Genuflect to your Emperor

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