The Flag

All hail your future emperor!

The musings of a medical student hell bent on world domination...

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Saturday, September 17, 2005


Today marks another major developmental milestone for me as a maniacal tyrant.

That's right my loyal subjects, I executed my very first dissident! He was questioning whether I would be fit to rule. What an arrogant bastard. Of course I'm fit to rule! I've been destined to preside over the world since before the birth of the stars! Of course in those days there wouldn't have been anyone around to tell the future, nor would there have been very much to tell the future from...but I assure you, all this has been preordained. By the universe, by some higher power or whatever, but it HAS been preordained. Because I said so. And don't you dare question me or you will end up like our friend, who was executed by inducing in him autophagia (or "eating of oneself"). Of course, I'm not totally inhumane, so I provided him with salt and barbeque sauce to improve the taste of it all. He seemed to enjoy it...mildly. I couldn't tell because one minute he was crying and the next he was really tucking in to what seemed to be quite a feast for him.

I'll never forget the sight of him eating his still beating heart before collapsing in a heap of half-eaten tissue. Even in death he couldn't do anything right. What a waste of good space. But, since I am a firm believer in recycling, his remains were distributed to my army as a boost to their weekly red meat allowance. Now I just hope that he didn't have spongiform encephalopathy. I wouldn't be surprised though, seeing as he was so blatantly demented and delirious.

Ah, I love my job.


Blogger JingleBells hailed...

Did you get the idea from Sin City? Or did THEY steal the idea from you?? (probably the latter eh?)

Anyhow who was this unlucky dissident? (Escape is never the safest path, a dissident, a dissident is here. *yes I am singing him a song of mourning*)

Thursday, September 22, 2005 9:08:00 PM  

Genuflect to your Emperor

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