Decree #5
On with the decree:
Spammers absolutely will not be tolerated. All incidences of spamming will be relentlessly investigated by my own secret service: the ISA (Imperial Security Agency). Those who are found to be spamming anything will be dealt with quickly and harshly. Their punishment will involve horrendous pain and immense embarrassment to the offender, with a subsequent but extremely delayed death. They will be made to wish the human race never existed, for then they would not exist to feel the pain of their torture. No device will be deemed too cruel or inhumane to use on such scoundrels and no method deemed too vicious. One example that comes to mind is the extraction (but not section) of the gonads of a fully conscious subject to be fed to wild dogs while they are still attached. Such is the fate of the stupid.
Genuflect to your Emperor
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